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Trust Services

Holistic Therapy

Online telehealth or in person 1:1 sessions.

Supporting Individuals & Couples through intuitive and holistic psycho-spiritual therapeutic tools + science proven psychology.

One my favourite quotes is “Healing is a matter of time, but it is sometimes also a matter of opportunity.” – Hippocrates.

From my experience, I believe that we can get trapped in our own minds and get stuck in our ways. As a holistic therapist, who practices a mixture of modalities, I have both witnessed and personally experienced how hypnotherapy, music therapy, and altered conscious states infused with somatic work can be gentle, nurturing, engaging and safe. It provides us the environment and opportunity for healing.

I believe that true healing comes when we are given opportunities to truly express ourselves and when emotions are processed rather than just coped with. When the deepest part of our soul can shine its brightest.

During a session various therapy techniques are used:

Joney Poon - Music Therapy

Music Therapy

Music can lift us out of depression, motivate us, or move us to tears. It is a remedy, a tonic for our ears, mind, heart, body & soul.

Music therapy has been clinically proven to be invaluable in facilitating communication, physical/cognitive/social development, creativity, and self expression, while enhancing quality of life. Our brains are naturally wired to respond to music; it can tap straight into our subconscious minds and is the second strongest trigger for memory. These are used in the therapeutic relationship to facilitate contact, interaction, self-awareness, learning, self-expression, communication and personal development. The best part is that it is easy, ageless, both engaging and rewarding while requiring no musical skills of your own.

Music can provide access, even when no medication can, to movement, to speech, to life. This form of therapy is also wonderful for early intervention with children.

Clinical Hypnotherapy

Health Begins From Your Mental State

Hypnosis, in its simple form, creates a state of increased self controlled suggestibility and concentration. In this state, we induce altered brainwaves, which allows direct communication with the subconscious mind for life long transformations to occur. Hypnotherapy helps to bypass the busyness of the conscious mind and get to the root of the issues, in a deeply relaxing way. Hypnosis is a powerful tool as research studies have found that hypnotherapy takes an averages of 6-12 sessions to make lasting changes while other forms of therapy takes around 600+ sessions.

For may of my clients, hypnotherapy provide opportunities to delve deep into the mind. It allows us to gain access to suppressed emotions and experiences, which unlocks a part of ourselves in order for us to heal and move forward. To no longer be dictated by our past and get to the root of things.


Counselling with somatic experiencing, mindfulness and cultural conscious approaches

Counselling provides you the opportunity to explore your mind fully attuning to what’s happening and being present. I embody somatic and mindfulness practices, and approach all sessions with the awareness of cultural locations & intersectionality differences we each have. This works wonderfully well in supporting individual’s unique needs and in gaining insights to navigate through challenges, difficulties and uncertainties in the world.

Clients who learn how to work with their nervous system and mindfulness tools through sessions, also gain the ability to be fully present, body-awareness, and to be aware of where they are and what they are doing and to not overly react or be overwhelmed by what’s going on around them. 

Need help for:


process Research & Pedagogy

How It Works?


To answer your questions or concerns and figure out what you need


Tailoring your needs and how best to match your goals.


Putting into action & determining whether the methods are effective in achieving goals and needs


Sessions implemented for a reasonable period of time.

Any question, just email me.

Transform Guaranteed Success

Our Services

Rain or Shine provides health & wellness services. Our mission is for people who want to take control of their lives by understanding what their minds can do and to reach their full potential.

1:1 therapy sessions tailored to meet your needs.

Bring your journey to wellness to a different level.

Perfect for those thinking of going virtual and looking for resources to expand your practice, services, and skills.